Serenade for violin and guitar




  • Instrumental Solos/Duos
  • Guitar


Violin and Guitar

The Serenade fulfils its purpose if it is a relaxed and relatively undemanding suite of short pieces. This is exactly the intention of this work, written in the Spring of 1977. The five contrasting movements aim each to be precise in their musical intention, and to achieve a satisfactory balance between the two quite different instrumental colours. Written in 1977, then revised in 1997 for Duncan Druce and David Taplin.


Serenade for violin and guitar Performances

Jayne Ridley (violin) and David Miller (guitar) at the Guildhall Student Contemporary Music Society, Wednesday 22 June 1977

Stuart Deeks (violin) and John Nash (guitar) at the British Music Information Centre, Wednesday 21 January, 1981

Susan Lynn (violin) and Timothy Walker (guitar) at the Purcell Rooms Friday 5 March 1982

Duncan Druce (violin) and David Taplin (guitar) at Leeds University, 1997